Update 5/16/24

Robertson Scholars--

This page includes logistics information about Community Summer and site-specific educational resources.

Here's our Community Summer Guide , outlining why we do this summer at and how it will work.

Watch these fun documentaries created by recent graduates:

Vicki and Sydney


SUMMER 2024 Logistics

See you in Nashville for our Community Summer retreat, May 19-23!

For Scholars who are driving to the retreat, we will reimburse mileage to the retreat at the Federal rate of $.67/mile. Scholars must document their miles traveled. We will also reimburse Scholars who are driving others to the retreat.  For example, in 2022, Vishal drove from Salt Lake City to pick up Anna in Colorado and drove them both to Nashville and then Mississippi.  At this year's rate, Vishal would receive a check for $1139 to cover the 1700 miles to Nashville. Vishal and Anna worked out their own system for paying for the trip from Nashville to Mississippi, based on their stipends of $3000.

Housing in Mississippi, the Mississippi Delta, and Whitesburg is available the day the retreat ends.  This allows Scholars to move into their houses, get settled, and have fun before projects begin in late May or early June. Tarboro housing is available a week later, so that group will travel to Tarboro May 31.

Below, we have details about housing in each location and other interesting resources.  In general:

  • Each house is privately owned. These owners care about Robertson Scholars and are happy to contribute to your experience.
  • Each house community will identify a point person to communicate with the homeowner or their contact person about moving in, needed repairs, unique issues of the house, and moving out expectations and procedures.
  • Each Robertson will sign a housing agreement.  This is not a legal document but represents each Robertson's individual commitment to  maintaining the house.
  • Duke University actually signs the housing contracts on behalf of the RSLP.  We take housing seriously!

Mental Health Resources

This page includes resources that Scholars have found helpful. We are always interested in new material to add to the list!