Aakash Thumaty

Aakash Thumaty

UNC   |   Saratoga, CA   |   Saratoga High School

In what way has your experience as a Robertson Scholar challenged you the most?

I've been challenged to consider what is/has been important to me and if my focus is in the right place or a result of naïveté.


Please share an example of how one of your summer experiences impacted your leadership.

Teaching at Sunflower made me reflect not just on how much of an impact but kind of impact was truly important throughout my pursuits. It's not enough to just aim to have a large impact, the meaningfulness of what you do is the multiplier you should concern yourself with.


If you had one piece of advice for future Robertson Scholars, what would it be?

To look for the lessons in the program that you are unlikely to find elsewhere. The summers, your peers, your dual institution experience.


Anything else you want us to know?

Thank you for everything, I don't know where I'd be today without the Robertson program.


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