Annie Dempsey
UNC | Kennesaw, GA | Blessed Trinity Catholic High School
In what way has your experience as a Robertson Scholar challenged you the most?
Being a Robertson Scholar has challenged me to be an independent and curious risk-taker. In the past four years, I have experienced things and learned lessons that would have terrified me before college. The Program, the staff, and my fellow Scholars always challenged me to create my own projects and stretch my imagination.
Please share an example of how one of your summer experiences impacted your leadership.
Each Robertson summer experience I took part in profoundly changed me or made me more sure of what I want to pursue in life. My most formative moment in leadership occurred in my Exploration Summer. I planned and executed a nine-week independent trip in Europe working for a worldwide nonprofit. I was terrified and thrilled and excited all at the same time. You really find out what you're made of when you travel alone, having to just figure things out and connect with people from all different backgrounds.
If you had one piece of advice for future Robertson Scholars, what would it be?
These four years are shorter than you think. Take advantage of every opportunity to form relationships, and you can continue the impact of the program way beyond just college!
Anything else you want us to know?
The Robertson Program has given me so much — but most importantly, my best friends and people I can trust with anything.