New Robertson Express Schedule for Fall 2024

Chapel Hill and Durham, North Carolina – New for the fall 2024 semester, the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program will be piloting a new Robertson Express schedule starting Monday August 19, 2024.
The Robertson Express is an easy way for members of the Robertson Scholar community, and the broader UNC and Duke communities to commute between both campuses. The Robertson Express is not just a practical way for people to get from one place to another, but it also symbolizes the unique partnerships and connections between Duke & UNC.
Over the past year, RSLP has partnered with its bus operator to conduct ridership surveys and analyze data usage and patterns. Unsurprisingly, the heaviest usage falls during weekdays and school hours, with a significant dip in usage over the weekend and holidays. In an effort to be good stewards of this resource and its environmental impact, RSLP is piloting a new rider schedule.
The Robertson Express weekday schedule remains unchanged with service starting at 7:30am on both campuses and ending at 10pm on UNC’s campus and 10:30pm on Duke’s campus. On Saturday August 24, 2024 a more thoughtful weekend operating schedule will launch with two main windows of operations on Saturday and Sundays. On Saturdays and Sundays service will start at 11am at UNC (11:30am at Duke) and end at 2:00pm on each campus, then will restart at 6:00pm and end at 9:00pm in the evening.
“We feel confident that this new schedule will still provide maximum ease for Scholars and community members riding between both campuses during our heaviest trafficked hours, honoring our commitment to facilitate unique and meaningful collaborations across campuses,” shared Jon Cochran, Director of Operations for RSLP.
Throughout the fall semester, RSLP will continue to monitor ridership data and assess the utility and effectiveness of the new Robertson Express schedule, updating our community and campus partners accordingly.
For the most up to date schedule and Robertson Express information please visit
Robertson Scholars receive student privileges at both Duke and UNC-Chapel Hill, including opportunities to pursue second majors and minors, enroll in courses, and participate in extracurricular leadership opportunities across both campuses. During the academic year and throughout the summer, the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program provides signature programming and self-directed learning experiences designed to invite Scholars to get curious, take action, and examine the impact of their choices.
The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program was created in 2000 through the work and generosity of the late Julian Robertson, a 1955 graduate of UNC, and his wife, Josie. Inspired by their sons — one of whom graduated from Duke in 1998, and another from UNC in 2001 — the Robertsons believed that each institution offered a distinctive undergraduate education, but that the combination of the two promised a breadth and depth of experience that no single university could match.
The Robertson alumni network consists of 601 leaders on six continents, linked together by a common goal to make transformational contributions to their communities across the globe.