Service Partnership Mini Grants
In celebration of our 20th anniversary, the Carolina Center for Public Service (CCPS) is offering Service Partnership Mini-Grants to Carolina students. We intend for these mini-grants, which range from $150-300, to help build deeper connections between Carolina students and off-campus community partners by funding project- or event-based collaborations.
Examples of potential uses of funding:
- food and materials for a community coalition meeting
- classroom supplies to enhance a partnership with an after-school program
- publicity for a community festival
To apply, students submit a project or event proposal along with the written endorsement of a community partner. When a proposal is approved, CCPS will issue the mini-grant to the student in full.
All full-time undergraduate, graduate or professional students or student teams at UNC-Chapel Hill are eligible to apply. While a maximum of only four students can be listed on the application, a team can be made up of as many students as necessary for the project in question. Individuals may apply, but teams often offer stronger proposals. Students are eligible to receive only one mini-grant per academic year.