Aakash Thumaty
Campus: UNC
Hometown: Saratoga, CA
High School: Saratoga High School
Programming has meant a lot to me, throughout much of my life and especially in high school. Not because writing algorithms is my sacred calling or because finding software bugs gives me a dopamine rush. Programming, to me, has always meant building important things for other people to use. It’s as simple as that and yet in this simplicity there is no ceiling, no limitation.
Each app that I build provides a valuable service for its users. Throughout high school I have viewed programming as a way for me to help people in my community and outside of it, and the ultimate goal with every app I make or website I publish is to have users that are happy and satisfied with the product. As a creator, I’m constantly looking to fill a need with an effective solution.
Although I’ve enjoyed programming, I don’t know that I can say I know exactly what I want to do with my life. I know that I am happy when I create something that is useful but I don’t know if becoming a software engineer is my ideal path. I’ve enjoyed studying a number of things over the last few years ranging anywhere from politics to finance. Whatever I do end up choosing, the great thing about the Robertson program is that it sets me up to be successful in any path I may choose.
What drew you to the Robertson Program? The unprecedented opportunity created through each unique aspect of the program. Ranging from the guided summer experiences to the chance to take advantage of two of the nation’s foremost universities the Robertson program puts students in an environment unlike any other. The access to powerful and successful mentors, the community of like-minded thinkers, and the amazing leadership curriculum are only a few of the great things that make the program so beneficial. I honestly don’t think there exists another program or institution similar to the robertson program because of how uniquely it leverages the many resources it has for the benefit of the scholars.