Alumni Profiles

Christina Boghosian

Campus: Duke
Hometown: Beverly Hills, CA
High School: Marlborough School

Growing up in Southern California, I have loved playing tennis since I was four years old. I really appreciate learning new tennis techniques and am fascinated by the very particular strategies necessary to be successful at the sport. Although while growing up, I typically considered tennis to be an individual sport, joining my middle school and then high school Varsity teams debunked that notion completely. Through teamwork and perseverance our team was able to work together to win matches and team championships. We understood the importance of collaboration in maximizing our success. Beyond tennis – inspired by a Global Studies class that I took five years ago – I have sought to learn about various human rights violations, focusing specifically on the injustices that women and girls face worldwide, and, in particular, the lack of girls’ education in many developing countries.  After forming a club affiliated with the global non-profit Room to Read, which has helped over 10 million children obtain equal access to quality education, I decided to join forces with other related clubs on campus to form one umbrella organization called Girls Go Global that empowers girls and raises awareness and funds for our three partner organizations: Room to Read, GirlUp, and Girls Learn International.

Wanting to directly understand education in other countries, I also volunteered in schools in Tanzania for three summers, where teaching the students, interacting with the people, and seeing firsthand the lives of those living in Tanzania significantly broadened my perspective and formed the basis of my research project on girls’ access to education in Tanzania.  My passion for women’s advancement and leadership was also further solidified over the past two years when I participated as a student delegate in the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women.  All of these experiences, combined with my work as a reporter for my school newspaper, gave me an outlet to explore a variety of global issues and to work with peers to identify and advocate for issues that affect women and girls worldwide. As a result of my interests and experiences, my academic goals are to pursue subjects related to public policy, international studies and business, and social entrepreneurship in order to further my understanding of global issues and their potential solutions.

What drew you to the Robertson Program?When I first learned about the Robertson Scholars Leadership Program, I was instantly drawn to the program’s unique emphasis on leadership and service. I knew that an investment from the Robertson Program in my leadership development would be a life-changing opportunity that would allow me to further expand my worldview, achieve my goals, and have a greater impact on my broader community. My past summer experiences also drew me to the exceptional summer opportunities that the Robertson Program allows their scholars to take part in.

In addition, having access to both Duke and UNC’s immense resources was appealing to me since each school has impressive and distinct classes and professors that would offer me a well-rounded, comprehensive education. What really solidified my immense desire to become a Robertson Scholar, however, was Finalist Weekend when I met the incredible, talented, and sincere Robertson community. After that weekend, I knew that I wanted to study, work, and grow alongside this outstanding group of people. I am so grateful for the opportunity to be a Robertson Scholar because I know that the next four years will challenge me academically, force me out of my comfort zone, and prepare me to go out into the world equipped to make meaningful contributions to the global community.

Christina Boghosian