Jeremy Scott
Campus: UNC
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
High School: Melbourne High School
What drew you to the Robertson Program?
The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program presents a unique opportunity to advance my education while improving my leadership and interpersonal skills. I believe that to be truly effective you need to combine technical and academic knowledge with the ability to develop teams and collaborate. The program’s emphasis on personal development is unique and its values drive me.
How has your experience with the Robertson shaped your goals and career path?
The Program has supported my academic and extracurricular passions. My experience has taught me that goals and career path do not need to involve trade-offs, but rather should involve synergies. My experiences at college have fractured the arbitrary constraints of ‘academic disciplines’ I previously imagined.
What has been your favorite Robertson moment so far?
There were countless memorable moments on the NOLS Spring Break expedition in Utah. I remember sunset at our campsite at the top ridge of a canyon, overlooking an arid desert landscape with snow-covered mountains in the distant background. I appreciate the friendships made and strengthened with other Robertsons on that trip.