Marcus Deans
Campus: Duke
Hometown: Windsor, Canada
High School: Académie Sainte Cécile International School
What drew you to the Robertson Program?
I was most excited by the opportunity to be surrounded by leaders in myriad fields. As a STEM-focused ECE and CS major, but with strong interests in military history, classical antiquity, and economics, I appreciate being able to hear different viewpoints from people with unique and diverse experiences. The strong bond both within and between Robertson scholar cohorts both academically and professionally is, in my opinion, the most meaningful aspect of the program.
How has your experience with the Robertson shaped your goals and career path?
My future professional goals have changed drastically as a result of the opportunities and interactions afforded to me as Robertson Scholar. I have been able to appreciate firsthand the merits of an interdisciplinary approach to problems by working together with fellow Robertson Scholars. Moreover, the deeply rewarding professional opportunities beyond common fields such as investment banking, consulting, and software engineering have been showcased to me and hence deepened my desire to eventually create a startup, ideally also to inspire social change.
What has been your favorite Robertson moment so far?
Our cohort’s introductory experience at NOLS in Western NC was my favourite Robertson moment thus far. Being able to engage with new classmates over long hikes, whitewater rafting, and team-building activities was extremely rewarding and exciting! By the end of our time there, we were a cohesive group, and I loved to see how close we were able to grow together within a mere matter of days. I’m looking forward to the Utah NOLS trip at some point and having the chance to deepen my relationships in different cohorts!