Mary Ashley Murrah
Campus: UNC
Hometown: Memphis, TN
High School: St. Mary’s Episcopal School
I have always had a passion for athletics, nutrition, and people. Growing up, I played every sport I could sign up for and was always outdoors exploring my backyard or our local park. Half marathons and my desire to play almost every sport in my path has made pursuing a generally active and healthy lifestyle somewhat of a given for me. However, as a native Memphian, I noticed that this desire for basic health was not ingrained in my community. Adult and childhood obesity are major issues in the Memphis area, so looking forward to my college career, I hope to dive into the world of public health and health education through a pre-med track in order to learn more about this growing issue in my city and in the world.
In addition to captaining the lacrosse, swimming, and cross-country teams, I was also the director of my high school’s writing tutoring center and a youth leader for eighth grade girls. That involvement has sparked a love for tutoring, mentoring, and service and has taught me the value of a supportive learning community and empathetic leadership. I hope to build upon these passions next year at UNC!
What drew you to the Robertson Program?
I have lived in Memphis, have gone to the same, small, all-girls school, and have known the same people my entire life. You could say I was looking for change. The Robertson program opened a door to the world the unknown. Besides making my dream to attend UNC a reality, Robertson provides a globally minded community and countless opportunities ranging from travel to service to an unparalleled education in leadership. I was mostly attracted to the tight knit cohort that all Robertson scholars treasure. I am thrilled to grow alongside such a diversely interested and driven group from all over the world. To top it all of, I get the chance to live and study at two world-class institutions and, not to mention, get to watch some great basketball.